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O U R  T E A M



Ani has been in the Ministry Staff at PHD Ministries since 2015 and she is currently part of the team that oversees the Television Ministry.  She didn't grow up in church and even though she had gone to several churches throughout her adult life, she had never had a personal encounter with Jesus until arriving at PHD.  "I thank God for Pastor David Girley and the gift he has to break down the Word of God in a way that is so clear and simple yet so powerful".  The Word itself began to cleanse her from the inside out and for the first time, she knew that PHD was the ministry she was called to.  After partnering with PHD, she gave her life to Jesus and received His work of salvation and deliverance.  She can now say that she is walking as a new woman of God in Christ Jesus!



"Drew" serves the ministry with his video editing skills, and appreciates all that he has learned along the way.  He came to PHD as a young adult after hearing about it from his now-wife, Shandi, who also serves on the PHD staff. He enjoys spending time with his family, and being a part of the body of Christ.



Ashley came to the Ministry during the Spring of 2004 as a college student while attending Eugene Bible College from 2003-2006. Shortly after joining the ministry she married and started a family of three active boys. Being an Oregon native from a small rural town, she is amazed at the many places God has taken her throughout the years. In the ministry, opportunities arose that involved traveling across states as well as many different countries enriching her understanding of God’s ability to do be limitless. Her favorite bible story is 1 Samuel 1-20 which records the account of Hanna pouring out her heart to God. Here, the priest who was known to be the closest to God judged her hearts cry incorrectly claiming she was drunk. “When she admits she had not been drinking but had reached a point that she would do anything to reach a God she had never seen to change her situation and receives what she asked for!- that is the most motivating story. It is also why Psalm 37:4 is my life motto, which says that if we delight ourselves in the Lord He will give us our heart's desire. He cares so much that he would give us what we want not just what we need.”



After being born in Sacramento, CA and moving to Oregon in 1992, Bobby got introduced to Christ is 2002. In the following weeks, he was introduced to Pastor David Girley and PHD Ministries and has been apart of PHD ever since. His many experiences in life have blessed him to be able to communicate with people from many different walks of life. His desire is to be able to use this ability to communicate in ministry to bring as many souls to the kingdom of God as possible.



Cynthia has been with PHD Ministries since 2006. She is Assistant Hospitality Director for the Eugene location; ministers with the Praise team; assists daily on the ministry’s prayer line, and encourages and teaches the Word. Through this ministry, Cynthia’s life changed; the Love of God, the Word of God, and God using Pastor David to teach and preach the Word, her life is freed from the bondage of her past. She has traveled to several countries such as Mexico, Western Caribbean Islands, and Costa Rica; through the power of God, blind eyes were opened, people were cured and healed of all kinds of diseases, and many delivered from demonic spirits.



Danny currently lives in Veneta Oregon and is married with 5 children; 1 daughter and 4 sons. His wife and daughter are also on the PHD ministry staff.  He does not view PHD solely as a ministry but as an extension of his family. He has counted on Pastor David Girley and staff since the end of 2002 during trying times and fruitful times.  He studied at the University of Oregon and received an Associate of Science degree from Lane Community College, but he says the most valuable learning has come from the teachings of God through Pastor Girley and all of PHD Ministries.  The revelation he has received through this ministry has led him to become an Associate Pastor on the PHD staff and has helped him to walk boldly in the calling God both for his family and himself.

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I was born in Pine Bluff, Arkansas and I am mom of two sons. I attended revivals and various events at PHD ministries.  Since joining PHD Ministries, I have developed in prayer and learned what it means to take my place in Christ.  I love to share what I have learned from Pastor David’s teaching with anyone who is willing to listen and learn. I love to spend time with my family, and I currently work full time as a registered nurse.



I grew up in Los Angeles and church has always been a part of my life since I was a kid. I've never strayed away from it. However, I took the things of God and my faith more seriously when I had my first encounter with PHD Ministries in 2007 during a friday youth night. The word was so powerful and to see young people my age having fun and enjoying the word was so captivating. I had a void that could not be filled and I longed for more.  That friday night was so rich in the word that I wanted to learn more. My club nights were over. I joined the choir and the praise dance team and I am now a part of the ministry team.  I am proud to say that the ministry puts God first in all things and God's hand and anointing is so powerful.



Jasmine currently serves as the Media Communications Director for PHD Ministries, where she assists in recording video and audio sermons and editing written messages to send across the country. Jasmine has been a part of the ministry since 2000. While traveling with PHD Ministries, Jasmine has been a witness to the delivering and healing power of God move across the country, including the United States of America and Costa Rica. She is excited to see where God is taking PHD Ministries and is looking forward to spreading God’s word of salvation to those in need of Jesus.  In addition to working in ministry, Jasmine works full time as a social worker for foster youth.



Judy was 58 years old when she recommitted her life to Christ Jesus and started attending services at PHD Ministries in 2004. She states, "I can credit 2 people for this change in my life. The first is my son-in-law, Richard Martin whose life was totally changed when he accepted Christ as his Savior. This caused my daughter, Jenny, to accept Christ as well. She kept bugging me to come back to God". Since then, Judy has grown in the Lord and He has called her to minister to the elderly in Memory Care and an Assisted Living Facility to encourage them with the fact that God loves them and they are still valuable to Him.



Julia has been attending PHD Ministries since 2009 and became a part of the ministry in 2018. PHD Ministries has helped her life grow as she went from just attending church to having her own personal relationship with God. She has witnessed, first-hand, God's power through this Ministry. She has traveled with PHD Ministries and has seen for herself the miraculous power of God move. She helps assist with the video broadcast recordings. In addition to working in the ministry, she works full-time as a Coordinator for a Worldwide Guided Travel company.

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Mary grew up in the Los Angeles area and is a staff member for PHD Ministries International, joining in 2018.  Since joining the ministry staff, she has been part of a dynamic team providing assistance with hospitality for visiting guests as well as in any other areas needed within PHD.  Since she has been part of the ministry, God has delivered her from suicide, depression, rejection, insecurities, and abandonment issues.  "I appreciate this ministry and the support it brings".



Naamon has been a resident of Eugene, Oregon for a number of years.  He says, "I made this little town my home simply because I believe that's where God has called me to be.  It's a beautiful place to be". Since becoming part of PHD, Naamon has gained a tremendous understanding of what his place is in the Kingdom of God. The teaching of PHD has taught him how to trust in God, how to stand and declare His Word, and get results. "I have gained the confidence to be bold and spread the gospel of Jesus to the people in darkness".



Nvard was born in Yerevan, Armenia and grew up in a religious Christian home. Her parents immigrated to the states to escape the suppressing hand of communism. She attended many churches seeking his purpose and direction that God had for her life. "I never knew God’s power in my life until I started attending PHD ministries three years ago". Since joining PHD, she has learned to stand on faith and trust God in all circumstances. God gave her visions and purpose that encouraged and strengthened her walk with God. "I learned to stand on faith to have my needs met. I realized God has already placed in me all that I need to fulfill his purpose for the kingdom of God. I learned to trust God. My thinking changed my speaking changed. For the first time, I learned to walk in love and extend Grace when people around me did not deserve it."



Rich grew up in Springfield Oregon and came into PHD MinistrIes in 2003, through a good friend. Through the teachings of Pastor David Girley, his life has changed so much and has been set free from pain and other struggles that he used to have.  He has since come to know God on a more personal relationship level by continuing to serve God with all of his heart. 



After years of being displaced and looking for an answer to a better life, Russell met and gave his life to Christ in 1998. Not only has his life been completely transformed, but he has also made it a life goal to be part of the answer.  He has become a teacher and Pastor in Prayer, Healing, and Deliverance Ministries.  Being a part of PHD has allowed him to travel in and out of the country telling of the good news of Jesus Christ.  He has found great joy in seeing people's lives changed after hearing about Jesus Christ and seeing the miracles of Jesus Christ. 



Sarah was born in Butte, Montana and raised in the conservative town on Salem, Oregon. Upon graduation from high school, she attended the University of Oregon in Eugene and enjoyed the liberality and party nature of her alma mater. A year into her work career, she met PHD Ministries at a dance event and became radically saved – leaving a life of scientific and academic thinking – for a new life of Christ. Now over a decade into her faith walk, Sarah co-leads praise at the Eugene PHD campus and also coordinates Pastor David’s social media channels. She aspires to travel the world sharing the gospel and enjoys hiking and mentoring in her free time.



Shandi has been around the anointing of PHD ministries since she was a young teenager, and is grateful for all the prayers and teachings over the years.  She made her fair share of mistakes and bad choices, but the people of God never failed to love her and point her back to Christ. She has been able to take her testimony to help others who have wandered, all to the Glory of God.  She currently serves on the praise team in Oregon and loves spending time with her husband and children.



Shaunta lives in Eugene, Oregon and joined PHD Ministries International in 2016.  This came after searching many years for a place that she could get out of religion, traditions, and self-appointed judgment that she had previously been subject to. She became a staff member of PHD in 2018 and since being in this ministry, God has blessed her tremendously. Her gifts that she contributes to the ministry include ministry event planning for fellowship, monthly calendar updates of ministry events and special occasions, and answering the call to any other needs within the ministry as needed to work as one in unity within the body of Christ.



Spencer was born in Muskogee Oklahoma and he grew up in a Christian home. He has been with PHD Ministries for 10-plus years and is currently one of the pastors of the ministry. He currently is the home director of the PHD's Men's Christian Recovery Home that helps men that need a second chance at life. PHD Ministries has been a tremendous blessing to Spencer and he knew religion but didn't know what it meant to have a relationship with Christ. For the first time in his life since being with this ministry, he knows the anointing and power of God is real because he has experienced it for himself and thanks Pastor David Girley for being the man of God that he is.

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Zoë has been with PHD ministries for over 10 years as the Hospitality Director. She has seen the power of God first hand in miracles of healing seeing people healed of cancer, bullet wounds, and even brought back to life. She has also been a recipient of the healing power of God that flows through PHD ministries having been prayed off her death bed in 2018. She also received valuable insight and deliverance in her personal life from the word preached at PHD. This deliverance and word have created a change in both her heart and life. "I see the value of this Ministry as I would be dead today if it wasn’t for Pastor Girley being used by God the way he is. My heart is truly for the souls and to see people's lives transformed the way mine was. I’m a living witness that God is a loving, merciful God and by him placing me here I was able to receive personal help I wouldn’t have gotten anywhere else. I thank God for PHD Ministries and Pastor David Girley."

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